Sunday, July 14, 2013

Happy 7 Year's Anniversary

     Let me preface this by saying, I never knew what a real marriage was. I came from parents who had their fair share of divorces and even a few other people's share as well. I failed miserably at love, relationships, and marriage. Why, because I was not yet a man in the sense of maturity and knowing what true love is. True love is loving and meeting the needs of your mate with no regard or thought of what's in it for me. It's being happy, sad, angry, frustrated, and at your wits end; but knowing in all of that, your love will persevere. It's taking the good with the bad and not complaining over the bad and being thankful for the good. It's laying down one's life for his friend, it's conquering all because that's what love does, and love is the greatest of all the fruits of the spirit. 
     So here we are, many thousands of miles apart, and my love for you has grown stronger with each passing day. The sacrifice we are making now, matters little when we have a vision of our future and God guiding and directing our paths. You and I have so much to look forward to after these two short years are through. And I am so looking forward to the next seven years with you and more as we live debt free and blessed beyond what we deserve. 
     With all of that being said, I love you more than you could ever imagine. I love your smile; especially how excited you get when talking to me on Skype. I love that you saw the better man in me and I love that you encourage me to continue growing as a husband, father and as a Godly man. I love the beauty of you both inside and out. Mostly, I love that you love me in spite of my faults. 
     Happy anniversary Mrs. Brenda Hersey. I miss you deeply. You are my lobster, my world, and my love. Talk to you later tonight on Skype. 

Always and forever yours,

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