Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday-Two Days in KSA

First let me preface this by saying what a long trip over. Total flight time with layovers was over 27 hours and I had been awake for the majority of that time. Sure, I tried to sleep on the plane; but with the occasional turbulence and screaming or crying children plus the fact that at nearly 6'2" I am in coach the entire Trans Atlantic flight and domestic flight from Jeddah to Yanbu. 
So last night I broke down and took a Advil PM to assit my body, or should I say trick it into sleep. After all at 10 PM here it's only 3 PM back in good ole Florida. So you can imagine the internal clock struggle taking place. With that said I awoke this morning rested and feeling a little better about the day I was getting ready to face at work. That's right I said work. Sat is my Mon while here in KSA and that is going to take some getting used to as well. 
Today was a good day at work. I supervised the pouring of 104 cubic meters of concrete for the foundations of the building A at the new Saudi Arabia Men's University. It was 38 degrees Celsius or 101 for us Fahrenheit folks. Dry heat here, so not unbearable, but I have to contend with a lot, and I mean a lot of dust and afternoon sand storms. Looks like I need to invest in some Under Armour hoods to block out that dust; silica kills you know. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

T-20 Hours and Counting

Well folks it's about that time. As the title states, it is less than 24 hours away from my flight out of the Sunshine state with a 7 hour layover in DC. Then at 6:00 PM EST, I board Saudi Air and begin the trek over to Jeddah Saudi Arabia. I have a 5 hour layover in Jeddah then board my final flight aborad Saudi Air to Yanbu. I arrive in Yanbu at 8:05 local time or 1:05 PM EST on Friday the 21st of June.
The photo above by the way, is the seat I have to rough it in during my flight over to Jeddah from DC. Should make for an interesting night.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Required Hold Lifted - Countdown Resumes

Well it is official, business visa is approved and my passport will be here this Thursday. I will be leaving Thursday the 20th heading over to Saudi Arabia to begin the adventure of a lifetime. This journey has been emotionally exhaustive and I am happy to be finally moving forward with what God has in store for us. I know Brenda will be sad but I also know she is glad to see that the bow so to speak, is finally on the gift. I don't have exact flight information but everything I have seen tells me it will take 18 plus hours to get there with multiple long layovers and 7168 miles away in Yanbu, SA. There will be more to follow, so stay tuned. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

T - One and Counting


So apparently visa processing takes longer than expected. I was originally scheduled to fly out tomorrow. Yanbu will have to wait since I still don't have my passport in hand with business visa stamped in by the Saudi Consulate.
This has been quite the process but we know everything is in His hands and His timing will prevail and be perfect. I'm honestly just hoping and praying Brenda can hang on and be patient while the process works itself through.
More to follow soon! Looking forward to doing some scuba and snorkling here!